2024 Reading is Grand
Reading is grand! Celebrating Grand-Families Telling Our Stories @ Your Library

A Family Literacy Project of Black Caucus of the American Library Association, Inc.


Black Caucus of the American Library Association announces Reading is Grand! Celebrating Grand-Families Telling Our Stories @ Your Library grant winners

Karen Lemmons, Chair of the 2024 Reading is Grand! Celebrating Grand-Families Telling Our Stories @ Your Library Selection Committee announced four libraries will receive the 2024 Reading is Grand! award. Reading is Grand! is a celebration of the important role African American grandparents and older adults play in the lives of children. It is through their infinite wisdom and experience that children learn the unique cultural and familial values that help them grow into valuable contributors to the community.

The grant-winning libraries — Capitol View Neighborhood Library, Washington, DC; Charles County Public Library, La Plata, MD; Rochdale Village Library, Jamaica, NY; Winand Elementary School, Pikesville, MD — were selected based on the level of creativity and originality of program criteria, action plans, level of involvement of grandparents in the activities, and impact of the program on the community.

Each library/institution will receive $750 to implement its award-winning Reading is Grand! program.

The four winning programs are as follows:

Capitol View Neighborhood Library, Washington, DC.

“Black History is All Around Us” will invite the community to gather small items of significance that represent their families that will be placed and sealed in their own family time capsule. The community will read aloud and share family stories.

Charles County Public Library, La Plata, MD.

“Grand Story Time: A Grandparent’s Day Celebration” will bring grandparents and grandchildren together to enjoy reading and sharing stories. Participants will create and share their own stories and engage in other interactive activities.

Rochdale Village Library, Jamaica, NY.

“Grand Legacy: A Library Tribute to Grandparents” will invite grandparents to share personal stories, family traditions and culture with their grandchildren and other participants. Each age group will engage in interactive activities that foster reading, storytelling, and celebrating grandparents.

Winand Elementary Library, Pikesville MD.

“Grandparents’ Reading Day: Celebrating Community, Reading, and Wisdom” will invite grandparents to actively engage with students through reading, storytelling, and other interactive activities.

The 2024 Reading is Grand Celebrating Grand-Families @ Your Library selection committee includes: Chair Karen Lemmons, Retired, Detroit, MI; Ritse Adefolalu, Children’s Librarian, Boston Public Library, Lower Mills Branch; Tamela Chambers, District 5 Chief, Southwest, Chicago Public Library.


The Black Caucus of the American Library Association serves as an advocate for the development, promotion, and improvement of library services and resources to the nation’s African American community; and provides leadership for the recruitment and professional development of African American librarians.

Contact Person:

Karen Lemmons, Chair 2024 Reading is Grand! Selection Committee

Phone: 313-580-4253

Email: [email protected]